SKOOT and GloriaFood team up to fight climate change

GloriaFood clients can now incorporate Eco-Contribution into their ordering system, planting a tree and removing ocean plastic bottles for every order placed.
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June 12, 2024
4 min read

We're thrilled to announce that Oracle GloriaFood, a leading provider of online ordering and restaurant management solutions, is teaming up with SKOOT to fight climate change. Together we are on a mission to transform the hospitality industry and pave the way for a greener future.

One-quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to food production. A recent national survey, commissioned by SKOOT with YouGov found that 77% of all adults believe restaurants should be doing more to be more sustainable. Addressing sustainability in the restaurant industry has become an urgent priority. In response, SKOOT developed the innovative Eco-Contribution model.

GloriaFood clients can now easily incorporate SKOOT's Eco-Contribution into their ordering system, planting one tree and removing two ocean plastic bottles for every order placed.

At SKOOT, we firmly believe that every business has the power to make a positive impact on the environment. Our Eco-Contribution model complements GloriaFood's mission to empower restaurants to connect with their customers in a free and non-intrusive way.

Greg Gormley, CEO, and Co-Founder of SKOOT, expressed his excitement about joining forces with GloriaFood, stating:

"We believe that small actions can create a huge impact, and we want to support people to take those actions through affordable, in-the-moment solutions. Tackling climate change is a shared responsibility, and we're focused on helping people relate to carbon emissions as they do for food calories, encouraging restaurateurs and diners to work together to counter the carbon footprint of their meals."
Greg Gormley, CEO & Mark Stringer, Co-Founder SKOOT

By seamlessly integrating SKOOT's climate solutions, GloriaFood's online ordering platform takes sustainability to the next level. With every order placed through Oracle GloriaFood, the associated carbon emissions are offset, making the entire dining experience environmentally friendly.

Commenting on the integration, Oliver Auerbach, Vice President of product development, Food and Beverage at Oracle, said:

“We're thrilled to team up with SKOOT to enable restaurants using the GloriaFood online ordering system to plant trees and remove ocean plastic with every order. We share SKOOT’s belief that the restaurant industry needs affordable technology to grow. We live in an increasingly environmentally-conscious world, so providing restaurateurs and their customers with a simple, small solution they can implement on the spot to make a difference is a task we're happy to embark upon with SKOOT.”

As environmental concerns grow among consumers, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability becomes increasingly vital. Mark Stringer, Co-Founder, and CMO of SKOOT explains:

"Environmental impact has a growing sway on consumer decision-making, and rightly so. Through our virtual impact dashboards, businesses can transparently showcase their sustainability journey, fostering stronger customer connections, driving positive engagement, and empowering them to take more responsibility for their carbon footprint."

SKOOT empowers restaurants to set their own charge for the Eco-Contribution, ensuring cash-flow positivity. Any additional revenue generated can be directed towards Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives, such as EV chargers, combating food waste, local tree planting, or LED lights.

For GloriaFood clients, there are no monthly fees, no additional hardware or IT required, and no setup costs. Together, SKOOT and GloriaFood empower restaurants to become pioneers of sustainable dining. With a simple click, restaurant owners can showcase their commitment to environmental responsibility, attract eco-conscious customers, and drive positive change within their communities.

If you're a hospitality business, and intrigued by the idea of contributing to a better future, look no further. Becoming a GloriaFood customer now opens the door to a world of sustainable possibilities. And if you are already a customer, we invite you to book a call with our SKOOT team today.

Let us guide you through the seamless integration of our carbon offset solutions into your restaurant's operations. Together, we are writing a new chapter in the fight against climate change, one meal at a time.

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Written by
June 12, 2024
4 min read