Happy Earth Day from SKOOT!

Written by
June 12, 2024
4 min read

How we’re celebrating restaurants being cleaner and greener  

We’re celebrating our planet and renewing our commitment to protecting it for future generations. At SKOOT, we believe that the key to a sustainable future lies in simply taking more ownership and responsibility for your carbon emissions. Then supporting sustainable projects like reforestation and forest conservation.

By planting trees and protecting forests, we can help to counter the devastating effects of carbon emissions on our environment. Our work aligns with the goals of Earth Day, which aims to raise awareness of environmental issues and promote sustainable practices around the world.

This Earth Day one way we can all make a difference is by supporting restaurants that are committed to sustainability.

In a recent national survey, commissioned by SKOOT with YouGov,  77% of all adults believe restaurants should be doing more to be more sustainable. And it's not just diners who are concerned about the environment.

Restaurants are also starting to take notice. In fact, another recent study found that 85% of restaurant owners are interested in learning more about sustainability.

As we’re beginning to understand the impact and importance of our actions it’s encouraging to also see the results in our study show that only ⅓ of all adults believe that the carbon emissions from eating out at restaurants is the responsibility of the restaurant.

When asked about restaurants adding a 50 optional eco-contribution and the impact on their behaviour (ie) would it put them off visiting the restaurant, once again the results were really compelling with over three quarters (77%) would visit the restaurant the same or more.

Respondents were also asked about what solutions they would like to see restaurants undertaking as part of their sustainability push to counter their emissions and the area that people felt most strongly about was plastic removal, followed by tree planting and then solar and wind projects.

There are many ways restaurants can be greener.

Some simple changes include:

  • Using recycled materials for furniture 
  • Reducing food waste
  • Switching to greener energy and water tariffs 
  • Supporting local suppliers
  • Creating a seasonal menu 
  • Offering more vegetarian and vegan options
  • And of course, introduce SKOOT Eco-Dining 

By making these changes, restaurants can help reduce their environmental impact and make a positive difference for our planet.

And why are we so passionate about restaurants and hospitality? 

  • The hospitality industry accounts for 20% of total greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Food waste accounts for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Every day, we produce enough food to feed 10 billion people, but 1 in 9 people go hungry.
  • Planting trees is one of the most effective ways to reduce carbon emissions.

If you’re a diner, what can you do to help restaurants go green this Earth Day?

  • Choose restaurants that are committed to sustainability.
  • Ask your favourite restaurants about their sustainability efforts.
  • Leave a positive review for restaurants that are doing their part to protect the environment.
  • Get involved in your community's sustainability efforts.
  • Tell them about SKOOT’s eco-dining - Planting trees for every diner, or table, at minimal cost to all parties. 

Every little bit helps. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can make a big difference for our planet.

From everyone at SKOOT let's make this Earth Day the best one yet!

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Written by
June 12, 2024
4 min read