SKOOT at sustainability events: COP26, MOVE2021, MSIP

Written by
June 12, 2024
5 min read

SKOOT and the team have had a very busy last couple of weeks! With the kick off of COP26, Move21 and Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc, we knew it would be a busy but exciting time for SKOOT. Not only was it our first exhibition but we were really looking forward to getting out there and speaking to more people about implementing sustainable solutions into their businesses and their everyday lives.


SKOOT’s Commercial Manager, Kami and myself (Marketing Executive), headed up to Glasgow to attend COP26 on the first day. We wanted to ensure we were on the front foot for COP26 as we knew this event was going to be very important for SKOOT. It would help us understand what businesses needed to do to ensure they’re in line with all the legislations made over the two weeks and beyond, and talk to businesses about how SKOOT could make it easy for them to reach net zero! It was great to see the partners of COP26 getting involved, talking about their 10 year plans to decarbonise their companies and lessen their impact on the planet.  

We were slightly surprised and disappointed that there weren't many SMEs present introducing accessible, sustainable solutions for the public and businesses to use, especially seeming there are so many more available now. Hopefully Boris is reading this as we speak realising they should have invited SKOOT! After all, it’s the little changes we can implement straight away that will start to have a big impact in the long run when we all work together.


The next event we attended was MOVE21 which kicked off on the 9th of November so we spent the day before setting up and ensuring the stand was ready and SKOOTified. Apart from the fact I put the posters the wrong way around on the doors the first time, what do you think?

MOVE21 was a great event. It was packed with many innovative businesses with great ideas of how to help other businesses become greener in the mobility space. We were also lucky enough to secure one of only 3 spots in the Shell Venture Capital Scheme where Strings (Co-founder) was able to pitch SKOOT to 4 judges who then all got to vote at the end on who they thought was worth investing in. It was a split between judges so it was down to the audience to vote! Even though our pitch was the best (unbiased source), we missed 1st place by only 2 points.

Check out the pitch

It was amazing to see so many wonderful people actually back at a live event. It was a huge learning opportunity for SKOOT as this was the first time we were showcasing ourselves and our artwork and getting live feedback which we have all taken on board for next time! Let’s hope next year we’ll be back bigger and better.


MOVE21 came to an end but the events weren’t over for Kami, Strings and myself as we headed straight from the ExCel to Scotland to attend the next exhibition, Michelin Innovation Scotland Parc. It was a really good event for SKOOT as compared to MOVE which was all around mobility, MSIP was more around innovation that will progress emerging technology for a greener future. What we found at MSIP was that there was more factory based work which is great for SKOOT as the majority will be on shift work. So SKOOT’s carpooling feature could be beneficial for smartly matching nearby employees to each other so they can share a lift and avoid unnecessary CO2 emissions.

This was the first year MSIP was running and I thought they did an amazing job! There were talks all the way through the event hosted by enthusiastic like-minded people and lots of chances to network with other businesses. As well as trying some of the new hydrogen cars! They're pretty cool! We were lucky enough to share the stand with our friends Ecotricity who actually told us about MSIP, and we are glad they did!

I feel like it’s so important to attend events as you get to network and meet new people from all walks of life. It was amazing getting feedback on the SKOOT app in real time and it made me feel proud of how far we have come in such a short time. We are working on some really exciting, BIG developments at SKOOT and we can’t wait to attend more events as we evolve and improve our solutions to be a total climate change partner.

With this being said, it’s just as important for businesses to then go on to put into action the solutions discussed at these events. It’s no good agreements being put in place, if politicians, business owners and communities aren’t committed to reaching net-zero.

The next big event we will be at is The Business Show on the 24-25 November. We hope to see you there and we will give regular updates across our social channels of what events we will be attending in the future!

If you want to know more about how SKOOT could help your business reach net zero and ESG goals then please get in contact: [email protected]. We’d be happy to help.

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Written by
June 12, 2024
5 min read