SKOOT has got the perfect brief for recruitment consultancies

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June 12, 2024
5 min read

SKOOT Has Got The Perfect Brief for Recruitment Consultancies

If you’re a recruiter, have great candidates, are forever placing candidates, in a growth stage and care about sustainability, we’d love to hear from you. 

The brief….

Get yourself to net-zero. 

No, don't stop reading, becoming sustainable is one of the most important investments you will make for your business, but we appreciate it’s sometimes difficult to know where to start. 

Well that was until SKOOT decided it should be easy to start your journey to net zero. 

4 Ways to Build A Sustainable Net Zero Recruitment Business

The good news is that at SKOOT we've found a way to help every recruitment business get to net zero today and also involve their staff.

Here are four ways to do just that.

Why building a sustainable recruitment agency is the best investment you can make for your business

The best investment you can make for your recruitment business is to get to net zero. It's important for the health of the planet, your staff and your Clients, that all recruitment businesses are sustainable.

It helps with retention and attraction.

Creating a Net Zero Recruitment Consultancy

1) Identify your carbon footprint 

2) Implement a reduction and avoidance plan

3) Offset what you cannot reduce or avoid

4) Showcase the good you're doing 

#1- Identify your carbon footprint

At SKOOT we've created a carbon calculator that in 5 minutes will give you an indication of your carbon footprint. We've created something that works for service led businesses and recruitment consultants, whether you have your own office, are fully remote or hybrid. 

This footprint helps your ensure you know what you need to reduce or offset. 

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#2- Avoid and Reduce

It's essential to have an action plan where goals are set for your company. What does success look like for your business? What are your challenges? Your footprint helps you know that. 

But service led businesses find it very difficult to reduce too much. Your biggest carbon will come from people, such as commuting and travel. So unless you're prepared to remove people, the main option is looking at making more sustainable choices, such as how you commute, renewable energy partners, zoom versus flying. 

#3- Certified and Verified Offset What You Can't Reduce or Avoid

Carbon offsetting is seen by some as being a lazy approach to get to net zero. The reality is that it's an incredibly powerful and effective tool, when done with credible partners. Particularly for recruitment businesses, who cannot avoid or reduce their carbon footprint, as it's a people business. 

SKOOT plants certified trees with Eden Reforestation and buy verified carbon through Gold Standard and Vera. 

This is likely to cost £18 per person per year to be net zero. 

SKOOT Life, also enable businesses to offset their staffs personal carbon emissions from £7 per person per month and every member of staff gets their own unique Impact Profile Forest.

Plus the SKOOT Offset Shop enables you to add more offset to your plan for things like additional flights, events, conferences. 

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#4- Showcase The Sustainability Good You're Doing 

Knitting together all the good you're doing, is incredibly difficult, which is why at SKOOT, we create Impact Profile Forest pages, that businesses can use to highlight what they are doing. 

Plus have access to Impact Certificate, Tree Counter widgets for websites, plus ability to connect to 4k every day apps like Slack, or Mailchimp to celebrate birthdays.

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Recruitment is a competitive industry with ever-changing Clients and people. To be successful and sustainable, you need to take the time to plan to get to net-zero, but with SKOOT now, there's a simple way to start your journey today. There's no excuse.

What you waiting for, become one of our Climate Conscious SKOOTers, 28,000 already think it’s a good thing, and 280k trees planted, meaning we’re helping make the planet cleaner and greener. 

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Written by
June 12, 2024
5 min read